You Are What You Eat
Watched talk shows this morning while eating my low fat cottage cheese and banana. Of course everything is about diet and exercise for the new year. If nothing else, I was entertained. I found out I’m supposed to be eating strawberries WITH their leaves for maximum benefit to my skin. I should also be eating 2 kiwis daily with the skin on. I’m happy to say I have never eaten a kiwi on purpose. If you are anxious they insisted you should eat carrots and beans. I don’t know about you, but a carrot has never calmed me down. Maybe if it’s a big one and I throw it at the person making me anxious? I also think there’s a conspiracy to make people eat salmon. You can’t turn 6 pages in a magazine without seeing a piece of salmon lying on a plate surrounded by various tree leaves. Where are the pictures of bacon? Aha! I rest my case. One of the happy, healthy cooks this morning chopped up a variety of mushrooms, sniffed them deeply and exuberantly announced they smelled like ste...